Solving partial WIF

What is a WIF?

R: Wallet Import Format

You can found more details of a wif in Chapter 4. Keys, Addresses, Wallets

Solving WIF can be an impossible task or maybe an easy one all depend of what kind of data do you have.

There are some different scenarios

  • Missing characters at the end.
  • Missing characters in the middle
  • Missing characters in the beginning.
Each case have different approach to solve it.

Also we need to considerate the next questions:

Where the WIF come from?

If the data of the WIF was taken from some YouTube video or some public picture on internet, please FORGET it, most of the WIF KEY from public internet sources are fake, just made to troll people.

How many missing characters are there?

If the amount of missing characters are near to the half of the WIF please also forget that WIF even if the WIF is real is near to impossible brute force the  missing characters.

Missing characters at the end is the most easy case to solve because at the end of the WIF we have the checksum of the WIF so if only a few characters are missing you only need to check how much part of the KEY data you lose.

Lets to check this with an example with a uncompressed WIF:

WIF: 5J3mBbAH58CpQ3Y5RNJpUKPE62SQ5tfcvU2JpbnkeyhfsYB1Jcn
WIF decoded: 801e99423a4ed27608a15a2616a2b0e9e52ced330ac530edcc32c8ffc6a526aeddc47e83ff
The firt byte is the Encode byte: 80
The next 32 bytes is the Privatekey: 1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616a2b0e9e52ced330ac530edcc32c8ffc6a526aedd
The last four bytes is the checksum: c47e83ff

For this example lets to say that you lost 10 characters at the end


Lets to get the decode data two times, the first time filled with ONEs and the second time filled with Z



if we remove the encoded byte and the last four bytes for the checksum we get the range where our key is:

from: 1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616a2b0e9e52ced330ac530edcc32c8ffc69f4e6e96
to:   1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616a2b0e9e52ced330ac530edcc32c8ffc6a548f4bb

In this example we lost  near to 32 bits or 4 bytes of our KEY this can be recover easy using keyhunt or some other program that can scan ranges

Save the address 1424C2F4bC9JidNjjTUZCbUxv6Sa1Mt62x in a file missing.txt and load it  in keyhunt with the next parameters: 

time ./keyhunt -m address -f missing.txt -r 1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616a2b0e9e52ced330ac530edcc32c8ffc69f4e6e96:1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616a2b0e9e52ced330ac530edcc32c8ffc6a548f4bb -t 4 -q -n 0x400 -l uncompress

For address keyhunt is some slow :(, we can also search for the rmd160 hash "211b74ca4686f81efda5641767fc84ef16dafe0b" with 4 times more speed, save the hash in a new file and load it in keyhunt with the next parameters:

time ./keyhunt -m rmd160 -f missing_new.txt -r 1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616a2b0e9e52ced330ac530edcc32c8ffc69f4e6e96:1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616a2b0e9e52ced330ac530edcc32c8ffc6a548f4bb -t 4 -q -n 0x400 -l uncompress

from 1 minute to 16 seconds, so as my recommendation always look for RMD hashes instead of address.

If you lost more than 50 bits and you don't have the publickey please forget the WIF, unless you have a powerful GPU to check your key range with another tool.

I said another tool because keyhunt is not made for GPU yet.

If you have the publickey you can recover up to to 70 or 75 bits in less than 10 hours, this also depend of you CPU speed and RAM memory.

Example with 16 missing characters at the end only if you have th PUBLICKEY



Following the same example as before you need to extract the KEY start and end range:

from: 1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616a2b0e9e52ced330ac530edcc2280d6175347c34c
to:  1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616a2b0e9e52ced330ac530edcc577eb98d70ea2e73

Save the publickey "04f028892bad7ed57d2fb57bf33081d5cfcf6f9ed3d3d7f159c2e2fff579dc341a07cf33da18bd734c600b96a72bbc4749d5141c90ec8ac328ae52ddfe2e505bdb" in a file and load it in keyhunt with the next parameters to use 23 GB of RAM:

time ./keyhunt -m bsgs -f publickey.txt -k 1536 -S -q -r 1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616a2b0e9e52ced330ac530edcc2280d6175347c34c:1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616a2b0e9e52ced330ac530edcc577eb98d70ea2e73 -t 4

Near 63 bits in five minutes.

Also i make some video showing how to try to solve 67 bits in half hour.

Missing characters in the middle

Following our previous example the WIF 5J3mBbAH58CpQ3Y5RNJpUKPE62SQ5tfcvU2JpbnkeyhfsYB1Jcn
with hexadecimal value is 801e99423a4ed27608a15a2616a2b0e9e52ced330ac530edcc32c8ffc6a526aeddc47e83ff is going to have some missing characters in the middle:


if we fill the missin part with "1" an "z" we get the next two values:





Removing the encode byte and checksum part seens that we have almost 21 Bytes (168 bits) missing, but this is not true.


Every character in the WIF KEY has some position and one Related "Decimal value" Let's take the next example:


This has the next hexadecimal value:


But every character has his own value example:

A111111111 -> ed7ebf16344a00
1L11111111 -> 08a4fb2f65f300
11b1111111 -> 004446efcea500
111e111111 -> 000147f39f8740
1111r11111 -> 0000077cf943a0
11111t1111 -> 00000022667a30
111111o111 -> 0000000088f330
1111111B11 -> 00000000008368
11111111S1 -> 000000000005aa
111111111D -> 0000000000000c

If we add all those values we will get the f66950c8f1a35e value

Why I explain this to you?

Because there are two approach to Brute a incomplete wif:

  1. fill the missing parts with all the possible values from 1111111 to zzzzzzz
  2. find the correct stride and add to the star value and do this until the key is found

The first approach is the SLOWEST because the WIF key need to be decode in each posibility and each time that the key is decoded it requires almost 51 Additions operations to get the final value.

The second approach is FASTER  because it only require only the Base Key in Decimal and ONLY ONE ADDITION in each possibility

How to calculate the number of possibilities?

Since we are talking of a base 58 string then each missing possition has 58 possibles values.
For this example we have 7 missing characters, then the number of possibilities is:

58^7 = 2207984167552

This is 2.2 Trillions of possibilities

How to calculate the correct stride for the current example?

Rudimentary example:

Take the right side of the string including it only the first missing character


Remplaze the missing characeter with 2 and the remaining characters with 1


Use any tool or page like to decode the base58 string to hexadecimal



Math example:

Get the possition of the first missing character and subtract 1

X = (27 - 1) = 26

Calulate 58^X
58^26 = 7065254862732333761310239421614111190044114944 

convert it to hexadecimal


From here you can use some tools by your own

WIFSolver (PawGo)
keyhunt (Only with publickey available and some publickey Transformations)

Here the link of some of the topics where I explain some related examples.

Missing characters at the END

This approach is very similar to the Middle approach but the main diferencte is that here you have to guess what kind of WIF it is, Compress or uncompress

Depening of the anwser you have to different WIF:

-Compress  (52 Characters in the WIF, One Encode Byte at the beginning, One Encode post-byte and the end of the 32 bytes KEY, and the checksum)
-Uncompress (51 Characters in the WIF, One Encode Byte at the beginning and the checksum 4 bytes at the end of the decoded WIF)


There are several different subcases in each case
  • There are publickey available?
  • The stride overwrite the Checksum?
  • The stride overwrite the Post-Encode Byte  (Compress WIF)
  • The stride overwrite the post-Encode Byte and Checksum
  • Are the missing spliting in several parts of the WIF



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